"health care or sick care the choice IS YOURS"


you are the gate keeper to everything that goes in and on your body

If you would like to start making small changes to your life let me know I am happy to help you get started

choosing wellness over Illness with  "the Root cause rebel"

Family is everything 
Help your friends an family stay well has to be a priority
18+ years ago when my dentist husband was diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning our world crashed down around us !

This started our wellness journey I have made it my mission to share wellness and a non toxic life style with who ever wants to make a change for themselves or their family !

My journey has lead me to learning and researching and practicing many modalities including detox , supplementation, quantum biofeedback , nutritional awareness, airway management ,whole body dental connection and more .
The most impactful thing that has changed our lives for the better is Toxin Awareness and elimination and understanding how everyday products in our home and work place were basically destroying our health!
My Journey lead us to amazing plant based options for daily wellness , my husband and I have never been healthier and I am proud to say we are both 55+ and not on any medications !

True wellness includes a balance between mind, body and spirit and this is not an easy road but is so much better when travelled with like minded friends! 

I am passionate about helping others find wellness thru small changes in their daily routines so they can become the healthiest versions of themselves physically ,spiritually and emotionally !

Many clients referred to me as “The Poop Coach “ as I seem to attract women with health issues who were not pooping . My focus always starts with a healthy and functioning body that is eliminating daily resulting in a cascade of health benefits!
But my true passion is to find and eliminate the root cause of where things start so they can stop repeating history, trading their illness for wellness so The Poop Coach has a new Name "The Root Cause Rebel"

After losing both my parents to disease that are preventable with the right tools and education I am committed to helping others help themselves !


Are you ready to make some changes and learn more about wellness and your options?
I invite you to join my wellness team , a team full of kind caring and understanding, humans many who have experienced struggle and illness just like you!

Come join my community and get the education, resources and support you need.  No one should do this alone!  

Ready to learn more? Let's get in touch! 

contact me

Free guide: Seven Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle

Know how to live your best life by implementing these seven steps!

 get my guide here

Your BODY can only be as 
healthy as your HOME 

Young Living is my go to for clean, safe and effective products, for every aspect of my life !
From cleaning,bath and body products to pet, kids and baby and even make up!
 I started using Young Living essential oils, personal care products and cleaners in 2016 as part of our plant based nontoxic path. 
We had cleaned up our toxic dental products and renovated our office and installed all of the equipment to keep our patients and staff safe! But there was still something missing. I needed to clean up my personal care products and home products. I had no idea they were putting such a toxic strain on our health! 
Using Young Living was a game-changer and has been an important part of my life ever since.  

With Young Living's Seed to Seal Guarantee, I know I will get a safe, effective product I can trust. Whether you are new to essential oils or well seasoned in how they can take your health and wellness to the next level, I am always available to help you! 

I believe that if you are going to use and suggest a company and product, you need to know that they have the quality and company to back up their products.  My years and adventures with Young Living has been nothing short of incredible - I would be honored to share this passion with you.Here is a great video that will tell you more!

My Wellness Lifestyle

I believe true healing must begin with good clean better than organic nutrition for the whole family!
It is difficult to eat enough clean food everyday to get the vitamins and mineral our bodies require to stay healthy !
I love the Juice Plus products and highly recommend these amazing product for anyone choosing a healthier lifestyle !
watch a quick video and learn all about the the 4 blend capsules
click here

After our family health crisis it was so important to find non toxic product to support my family ! Young Living offers nontoxic cleaning ,bath and body, pet, kids and baby products that I can use and never worry about calling poison control! I have one simply rule if you cant swallow it, it shouldn't be put in or on your body !
Would you like to learn more about these amazing product!
if you want to order so of these amazing products here is my Young Living my link

Healthy Start is an amazing program where kids get free whole food supplements when a parent or grandparent purchase their supplements!
It's a win win program where the whole family benefits !
This is a Paediatric lead program with amazing results, research and stats !
for more information check out this great video click here

The Future of Growing

As a health warrior, I know how important it is to eat the best foods possible to keep a body healthy.  Two tips to get the most nutrition out of your food would be, 
1. Eat organic 
2. Eat local But not everyone has access to quality, local food everyday! 

Have your own farmer's market right in your own home!

Tower Gardening is gardening at it's best!  
Sustainable (year round greens and veggies!)
Affordable (a great, no interest payment plan)
Nutritional (no pesticides, herbacides and full of vitamins and minerals) and 
Fun the whole family can join in and pick fresh veggies daily and I can send you come a full curriculum  for classrooms or home school.  

My tower garden allows me to have fresh greens, herbs and veggies 365 days a year in Canada where the outdoor growing season is so short .  I control the seeds, the nutrients, the water, light and harvesting…that is organic at its best!

Not only do I get to pick and eat vegetables at the peak of freshness when they are ripe and have the most natural enzymes, but I use less water, get produce with the same, and often more, vitamins and minerals, than I can when buying local, organic produce without all the dirt, bugs or back breaking weeding!

For a quick overview, watch this video!  

To learn more about the history of Tower Gardens and how you can have a Farmer’s Market right in your own home, click this link.  See how versatile Tower Gardens can be for both indoor and outdoor organc gardening.

If you would like to shop for a Tower Garden, please click here. Remember, Tower Garden offers a 12 month interest free payment plan making it affordable and easy!

I am always happy to answer questions! Please contact me at here

28 Day Healthy Reboot
An Interactive Journey to Understand How Food, Toxicity, and Lifestyle Affect Your Health

Helping people is my passion!  

My good friend Susan Johnson has created and published the 28 Day Healthy Reboot to personally guide participants to better health and wellness.  The workbook, emails and coaching are loaded with education and tips to help you understand your body better.

If you are ready to take a deeper dive, join in! contact Sue to find out the next  28 Day Healthy Reboot start date!

I have personally been involved and have been thru Susans program and participants are having incredible results – Not only did they learn more about their relationship with foods, participants reported less inflammation, less joint pain, lower A1c levels, better cholesterol numbers, more energy, less brain fog and the average weight loss was 8 pounds.  Not bad for 28 days of work!

Listen in to the latest informational call about 28 Day Healthy Reboot,  Click here  Susan will explain the program and answer questions and concerns about the program. 

To get on the list - Click here.  And Susan will send more information over the summer about the program. 

Note: The 28 Day Healthy Reboot is not a nutritional or weight loss program. This is a wellness awareness program designed to help you explore how foods and lifestyle choices affect your health.

Greetings from Debbie Irwin the 
Root Cause Rebel

at Arbourcrest Farms - Camborne Ontario Canada

After years battling Bills health crisis we changed the way we looked at everything! getting educated was the first thing I did with thousands of hours of research and continuing education courses and aligning myself with amazing like minded communities !
My goal is to share my information and help others on their wellness journey. it starts with a small step and I am here to help you along the way !
I love to find the root cause of all issues and hence the title the root cause rebel, placing a bandaid on issues and never solving problem only lead to despair and I don't wish that on anyone !
Reach out share you wellness goal    
 And ask to Join My Community! 

Let's connect 

Let's chat! Set up a time to talk to me about your wellness goals and how I can help.

links for more information